Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Vers Doraemon

Doraemon di produksi pada tanggal 3 september 2112 di pabrik robot Matsushiba , Fujiko Fujio adalah nama seorang pembuat serial doraemon. perlu kalian tahu angka keberuntungan doraemon adalah 1293 doraemon memiliki berat 129,3 kg (285 lbs) tingginya 129,3 cm (4"3"). ia bisa berlari sampai 129,3 km/jam (80,3 mph). Ketika ketakutan dan ia melompat hingga 129,3cm (424,2 kaki) , ketika terancam bahaya kekuatan maximalnya adalah 129,3 bhp. Lingkar pergelangan tangannya 129,3 mm. Lingkar kepala dan dadanya 129,3 cm. Kakinya berdiameter 129,3 mm.
 saat pertama kali doraemon di produksi , ia tidak berwarna biru , melainkan warnanya sama dengan warna adiknya doraemon yaitu dorami , saat itu doraemon juga memiliki telinga , Doraemon adalah robot yang sangat bodoh diantara robot yang lain , pada saat pengadopsian robot , doraemon melakukan hal bodoh sehingga ia tidak ada yang mengadopsi , namun suatu keajaiban ada tombol adopsi yang menyala sehingga ia akhirnya di adopsi , malangnya ternyata yang mengadopsi doraemon adalah seorang Bayi dengan alasan "salah tekan tombol" meskipun begitu doraemon sangat menyayanginya, dimana Bayi itu adalah leluhur Nobita sebelum abadnya.

Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

sahabat forever and ever~

sahabat ? buat gue sahbat itu yang terima kita apa adanya , bukan ada apanya! orang yang rangkul kita saat kita jatuh! bukan hanya ketika kita jaya~ orang yang memberi senyuman disaat kita sedih bukan saat dia hanya merasa senang! gue gapernah ngerti kenapa akhir-akhir ini banyak sahabat yang munaroh bang ocid datang prepetprepetprepett *Salahfokus! ya sahabat yang bisa dibilang seneng nikung macem tukang ojeg ataupun sahabat yang sering nusuk dikira jualan sate kali ah! huh saat ini gue butuh sahabat yang bisa bikin gue nyaman banget :") dan saat ini gue merasa kehilangan sahabatt!! entah sahabat gue kenapa tapi gue tau mungkin dia jenuh~ walaupun gak seharusnyaaa ada kata jenuh dalam persahabatan! sahabat itu segalanya buat gue, karna apapun kondisinya gue selalu butuh sahabat !! menurut gue kita bakal ngerti apa artinya sahabat waktu kita akan berjuang untuk hidup~ Gue punya banyak sahabat tapi gue gatau mereka anggep gue sahabat atau bukan :"D yg jelas GUE SAYANG BANGET SAMA SAHABAT GUE!!

Putih Abu-abu (Pesan Kesan SMAN 1 JONGGOL)

OKE berhubung dengan penilaian praktek TIK tentang menganang pesan-kesan diSMA gue mau cerita sedikit tentang pribadi gue disekolah dan juga semua moodboster dan moodbreaker :)
once upon a time tepatnya saat gue mulai sibuk dengan gread nilai sekolah buat masuk SMA, Tepatnya SMAN 1 JONGGOL atau sebut aja SMURAY!! kata pertama yang terucap waktu masuk dan menginjakkan kaki diSekolah itu adalah "gue gasuka sama satpamnya-_- GALAK BANGET!" dan sebut aja babeh , gue dimarahin abis-abisan cuma karna gue salah parkir motor -_- hampir aja gue takut buat balik lagi ke itu sekolah :" hupp oke lanjut , keesokan harinya penentuan lolos atau tidaknya siswa di SMAN1 JONGGOL dengan perasaan penuh khawatir gue berdoa "yaAllah udah enak disekolah ini, semoga keterima yaAllah" dan akirnya nama gue disebut itu tandanya gue LOLOS bung, sujud syukur terkabul :) setelah pengumuman itu mulaila disibukkan dengan persiapan MOPD , ohGOD gue paling males sebenernya sama event yang 1 itu -_- M.O.P.D (Masa Orientasi Peserta Didik) karena dibenak gue itu adalah event yang melelahkan , merepotkan juga memalukan x_x tapi apa boleh buat itu adalah kewajiban yang harus dilakukan :D akirnya rapat untuk persiapan barang apa yang harus dibawa selesai dan saat itu bener-bener empet sama bawaannya , tapi seruu karena gue bisa kenal banyak temen yang berbagai jenis karakternya :D gue dapet gugus i dimana gue sekelas sama Hikmah Sekar Pratiwi , dan salah satu kenalan gue AL ANISA (mak icah) dan Farha Amitha Marasabessy ;) sampai saat ini gue kenal baik sama mereka :) MOPD berjalan sangat melelahkan. singkat cerita akhirnya MOPD selesai , dan saatnya MATRIKULASI , waktu matrikulasi ganti temen lagi , dan kali ini gue 1 kelas sama Syifa Nur Annisa dan kenalan baru gue Pricilla Jowi Angelinna sampai saat ini juga gue kenal baik sama mereka ;) singkat cerita matrikulasi selesai dan akhirnya tiba dimana kita peresmian menjadi SISWA/i SMAN 1 JONGGOL , dan itu buat gue amat sangat lega banget dan bangga buat ngelepas atribut SMP dan belajar dewasa dimasa-masa SMA. keesokan harinya penentuan kelas dan amazing gue gaada temen deket 1 pun yg 1 kelas sama gue , itu tandanya gue harus extra beradaptasi -_- penuh rasa takut buat melangkah, dan gue dapet kelas X.4 yang tepatnya ada didepan koperasi sekolah. pertama gue menginjakkan kaki dikelas itu TARAAMMM semua asing buat gue :" akhirnyapun gue harus menjadi orang yang pendiam dengan seribu bahasa :" tapi lambat laun gue bisa ngeKLOP banget sama mereka , dan ternyata gue 1 kelas sama AL ANISA , RISMA APRILIA , DEDE NITA , dan Pramesti Melyna Mustofa (salahh satunya) sampai saat inipun gue kenal baik sama mereka ;3 singkat cerita 1 tahun berlalu kemudian pergantian kelas gue udah takut banget dapet kelas yang gak asik , dan ternyata gue masuk XI IPA 5 dimana gue 1 kelas sama SITI ZUBAIDAH (murid dengan IQ tertinggi 1 sekolah dan temen gue dikelas X) FAROUQ YUDA BEKTI , RONALDO SIMANJUNTAK , MUHAMMAD BILAL , PENI YULIANA (kembarannya PINA YULIANA) yamungkin uda cerita turun temurun kalau awal masuk itu masi jaim-jaiman tapi setengah tahun berlalu gue bisa meng-akrabkan diri sama mereka. gue ngerasa kekompakan XI IPA 5 , singkat cerita 1 tahun berlalu dan kini gue juga temen-temen gue udah harus fokus di Grade 12 , dimana itu adalah antara hidup matiku , ya semacam lagu vierra gtulah haha oke lanjut kebersamaan udah semakin terasa banget dikelas 12 kelas itu adala keluarga kecil kami sebut aja KATALIS. masalah , senang , sedih , ribut , nangis terjadi semua disalah satu kelas di SMAN 1 JONGGOL. bakan sampai detik ini kita mau mengadapi UN banyakk banget kenangan yang gaakan pernah dilupain :) terutama sekolah yang menjadi ALMAMATER kami Kampus Hijau Berbudaya kami, SMAN 1 JONGGOL!! terimakasih untuk segenap para pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa , terimakasih untuk staff tata usaha , penjaga sekolah , babeh swimpi atas semua kenangannya mengukir cerita di tempat yang menyenangkan :) KESAN untuk SMAN 1 JONGGOL Sekolah yang menimbun segudang Prestasi dan kebanggan yang saat ini menjadi peringkat 3 se-Kabupaten Bogor atas kenangannya, atas ilmunya dan atas kasih sayangnya !!! gue bangga sekolah di SMAN 1 JONGGOL!! PESAN untuk SMAN 1 JONGGOL tetap bertahan dengan prestasinya tetap menjadi KAMPUS HIJAU BERBUDAYA dan tetap dengan Jaya Jaya Jaya nyaaaa :) SMA NEGERI 1 JONGGOL : yesss , KAMPUS HIJAU BERBUDAYA : JAYA JAYA JAYA .

Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

“Lifelong Love”

Hy guys my name is Rusmini , you can called me Iyus , but whatever you want called me Iyus , yuyu , yuyus , or Ciyus. Hehe it’s my love story with my extended family.
14 february 1996 ,a married couple smiling happily welcome this little one highly anticipated 9 months old. Didn’t counted how much my parents love gave to me , since i was a kid many wise words gave to me. Mom said “it for arranging all the good future”.  Got older i began to understood the beauty of love. A story of love that felt beautiful when i strung my world began to recognized, to know nature is beautiful and a great life socialite. But when i was 8 years old i moved that made me felt uneasy didn’t understood what’s going on with my parents, then i heard a serious discussion with the high notes and such explosiveness. Cries the mother who said “go , and had enough with this long suffering” i didn’t understood, But suddenly felt down and wept tears at the time i had a brother who was about 4 years old. My mother and father didn’t long into my room and woke my mother took my brother and me. At that time i was just crying, didn’t understood what the issues faced parents. The atmosphere was calm again, when my brother was cried and my dad took him to saw a star beyond. Then my mom calm me and rock me to sleep again. Doesn’t happen again the next day atmosphere like last night, yes, maybe it’s an adult problem , i thought at the time. Only one was expected at the time, i didn’t want all that to happen again. I felt my world went dark since my age 10 years. More parents showed his selfishness than you love them. When the mother and father caught a few issues that i think it isn’t understandable. Then i ran and asked the grandmother “what’s wrong with them?” grandmother answered with smooth tones “was just the emotion of love dear, when you grow up you will understand”. Although at that time i can only wonder disturb but i’m sure what the grandmother said.
Time passed so quickly and eventually grandmother decided to stay in his hometown to  felt his age. After a decision acceptable to all the family grandmother , grandmother went to his hometown. Since then i lost my grandmother figure, but grandmother once said “Love is love of lifelong family , things are the same God who created us with immense love” , up until now i always remembered the advice my grandmother. Until the 15th of december 2009 my phone rang and i saw it was a called from the grandmother, but this time the grandmother gave the bad news, namely sick grandfather and existed hospital. The same day my parents went to my hometown to take care of grandfather granny. But God willerd others, grandfather died on 19 December 2009, all the families seemed not accepted the loss of her grandfather, as well as with grandmother , but grandmother back saying “the words that male all the family try to be patient because the grandmother certainly more hit. Finally a few days went by untill finally grandmother was seriously i will and had to be rushed to the hospital, the same hospital with a sick grandmother grandfather to all  the family at the time of panic, but the grandmother back said “life long love of family that” all families simultaneously cried and scared to lose a grandmother,because grandfather had just passed away 40 days earlier. Grandmother untill his last breath in the hospital, in the same room and at the same time with the death of the grandfather at the time. Words grandmother always kept up to date. I can only conclude that this is what grandmother about lifelong love. God has a will of others behind everything that happened.

As the years passed, even my age 16 years, i understood what was said when the grandmother of selfishness in love, and the love story of lifelong love. Until one day my parents back to solved the problem with less high tones , this time i understood that the anger and quarrels. I always tried to intervence but selfishness over control of their heart until they finally decided to split up. Then i want to went and catch up grandmother, but i remembered advice about the grandmother and a lifelong love of God had plans at this time i was only able to freshen up for his brother and mother because love is liked the grandmother said “lifelong love”. Thank you so much grandma grandpa, i hope you can happy inside Allah SWT.


     Hallo guys i want to tell my love story . you sure know what the love of location ? but before the first i’ll introduction who i am, my name is yuke . i am a cool easy going guy his same stranger , talkative , and funny . hehhehehe Anyway junior high school early entry whose name still geeky , plain and stupid !
      Hmm guys started from began of the story where there was a new student of 8 junior high school came to my class, his name was “Nugraha Ramadan”. Firstly was still mediocre but uncounsciously sense that initially mediocre urned out to be extraordinary. Grade 9 Junior High School. Started the began wahere i became closed to him. Teh wonderful felt that i was very comfortable with him, closed to him. Even in school we usual bought snacks together, sat together, plaied together, to the extent that most of students grade 9 classmates thought i was in a made a date with him while still nothing. Because i was just a friend. I wanted to told to him that i “Love him more than a friend” but i didn’t dare to reveal it all! My god what to did what was really no such things as “Best friend to be in love” but why did he never realized.
            Day after day we had passed, the end of the semester was caming but things began to changed as there was one person who named “Bintari” grader side secretly liked him. When it was Nugraha went away from me, and eventually classes were hated my side. Somehow it all hapepened i was confused ! i tried to asked him, it was nothing real? But his great  anger to me. I was sad all the way to the back as I already did. But has failed! Until we all pass from junior high school and all further to senior high school. I could heard from my friends that he will continue her school in Yogyakarta. I sad, very sad.  Tried to contacted him by phone, facebook but none of her returned I had always thought a few  months and I hoped that moment I feel  just  sad and disappointed. Anxious to try to forget it all, but is very difficult and never felt L.

            But without realizing it after I get a new sense of senior high school arises that is simply to “Rheza Andika” familiar with it early from my BBM contact with her close, closer and closer until finally began we invented yuhuuuuuuu in February 13th 2012. Tried to open a new chapter of the named valentine happen. He gave me a surprise with very romantic chocolate uuuuuh sosweet... i think that he is the only person who can make me forget about my past that. But the made a date did not last long. Until finally we end it all. But anyway the love growing inside. Feeling sad and disappointed it was haunting me again there was no one who could replace him! Reza I realy realy love you :*.
            After a few months even feel pity, Asih in my mind, after knew in May he had new lover that is Diyah. I was very  disappointed, frustrated, and disappointed .....
            And I thought “Why Reza can have new love but me cann’t do it”. And finally in June 02th 2012, i had new love. He named is “Daniel Pratama”.  Early imitation, I never  had  feel to him. Because,  my heart still for Reza. Although such my made a date with him enough long. In october 10th 2012 my made a date with him end. As I never love him.
            In October i had new love is “Fanny Fadilah”. He was people handsome, cool, but not very well. My made a date with him just 4 days. In moment i started love him. He finished all. That moment i very hated him.
            I felt done didn’t want had a boyfriend again. Since done enough broken heart. Day to day, I got Vespa. And I became scooterist. In the here I got many experience. My friends scooter who very care to me. “Babeh kumis” he was chairman of my scooter club.  And appear he was husband from my teacher, was miss Zakia. Appear he had son, who  named “Reki”. Without conscious, after enough long near with him. Finally,  he made clear love to me. And I accepted his love. But made a date didn’t  enough long and must done.

            Until now, my felt same as former thats very miss him. But i didn’t know how was his felt. But all didn’t finish this time. I began to conscious if marriage partner will didn’t go everywhere. But if i and him was marriage partner maybe got ever prepare what very beautiful.  So, didn’t ever  desperate since all  beautiful in the time , after all the moment i and Bintari became friend even tobe classmaters . rheza and reki made a friendship one club is IVJ . thanks god all became nice because you 

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014


Ketika aku tak tau lagi harus membawa kemana tubuhku ini
Terkoyak dengan dunia yang sepertinya tidak sependapat denganku
Tanah seperti enggan menyocokkan dirinya dengan pijakan kakiku
Aku melemah ..
Hidupku terasa semakin hancur dengan segala ketidak adilan
Bagaimana aku menyikapi hidup dengan bijak ?
Tidak kah Tuhan menyisipkan kebahagiaan untukku walau hanya sepercik
Bahkan anginpun terasa jahat ketika aku mulai membeku
Tidak ada lagi kehangatan yang terasa
Aku melemah ..
duniaMu semakin kejam , mungkinkah tidak lagi tercipta hangatnya berbagi, memberi, menyayangi dan mencintai ?
Bagaimana orang-orang itu bersandiwara dengan bijak ?
Ketika memberi hanya untuk menjadikan dirinya orang yang dermawan
Ketika mengasihi hanya untuk oranglain tahu bahwa ia telah berbagi
Bahkan ketika semua dibutakan karena kehormatan
Tidak kah mereka peduli dengan keikhlasan ?
Tidak kah mereka menggunakan hati saat berbagi ?
Ya ... sepertinya tidak
Dunia ini semakin banyak sandiwara yang dibuat hanya karena kebahagiaan sesaat.